MS/HS Art Classes-MUST READ. We have been asked to begin to collect projects/assignments prior to our return date. Therefore, I have set up each Art class with a Google Classroom. Please check your student emails for specifics OR your announcement on my teacher page.
over 4 years ago, Danielle Sawyers
Fayetteville Challenge students, grades 5 through 8, participated in the 2019-2020 National Geographic GeoChallenge. The project was called Tackling Plastic! Thirty thousand students across the United States participated. The students had to do various research projects on plastic in the waterways and create a model to prevent plastic from getting from the waterways to the oceans. They, also, had to create a detailed map from the start of their chosen waterway to where it dumps in the ocean. They completed a 4-minute video detailing and displaying their map on their chosen waterway. These completed projects were sent to National Geographic for judging in January, 2020. All of Fayetteville Perry’s challenge students did very well and received a certificate and a patch. The fifth grade class was chosen to advance to regional judging in March. Which includes Ella Bryan, Lydia Jordan, Melody Roark, and Wyatt Wolfer. Congratulations to all the Fayetteville Challenge students that participated. Best of luck to the fifth graders in the next round of competition!
over 4 years ago, Jim Herron
Elementary Students show off their Patches and certificates
Middle School Students show off their Geochallenge certificates
Parents! If you have a student enrolled in PEAK/ credit recovery, please check your email. If you didn’t receive an email from me, then we don’t have one on file. Please email, so I can keep you updated on your student’s progress. It’s important that we keep our students working, so they don’t fall further behind.
over 4 years ago, Jennifer Spaeth-Mullis
6th Grade Students, This weeks work is due before Sunday at midnight. If you have not completed Week 1, please do so soon..A reminder that your writing assignment is worth multiple grades, so please follow the steps needed to earn all points. Also, Progress Book is updated daily if you are interested about knowing your grades. If you see a sm. paper picture in the grade box, this is to let you know your child may need to re-do an assignment or it is a positive comment. :) Thanks, Mrs, Dye
over 4 years ago, Cathy Dye
What can you do with all of those left over toilet paper tubes? Watch these videos to find out! Directions: Action video: All toilet paper was responsibly used for the making of these videos. Mrs. Hamilton'ts K-2 Science
over 4 years ago, Melinda Hamilton
Marble Run
Parents/Guardians As we continue into our second week of on-line learning, please encourage your student to meet the timelines for work submission. Teachers have tried to stay in contact with the students, but some students have not responded. All teachers have posted assignments on their teacher page on the school website. If you click on the following link it will take you to the teachers’ pages, and then you can search for the teacher by name. The teachers throughout the district are working very hard to accommodate students. Please work with your student to complete work in a timely manner and as always … GO ROCKETS. James E. Herron
over 4 years ago, Jim Herron
Seniors and Parents/Guardians! Only 9 of my 27 students in Advanced English 12/British Literature turned in assignments last week. Please remember! You are still in school and must complete assignments! Don't let COVID-19 keep you from graduating! -- Mrs. Mullis
over 4 years ago, Jennifer Spaeth-Mullis
Parent/Guardian, Please remember to pick up your meals at our 3-locations as stated in the past. Pick-ups end at 11am today. Also, deliveries will be from 11am-12:15pm. To continue social distancing on deliveries, we will knock on the door and set the meals near your door. Also, due to the mandates by Governor Dewine, we are limiting our volunteers/employees being out of their home by providing 5 days worth of meals tomorrow, March 23rd. We will have our pick-up times the same, 9-11am. Our delivery time is also the same, 11am-12:15pm. We will only have pick-up and deliveries one day a week starting next week, March 31st but will provide 5 days worth of food. If you called for a delivery, we will continue to delivery until you request to cancel. To cancel or have delivered, call 513-875-4500. Please make room for your fridge and freezer. Thank you, have a good day, and as always......GO ROCKETS!
over 4 years ago, Tim Carlier - Superintendent
7th and 8th grade Challenge students We will be doing online Chinese class starting Friday at 9:00am. I will be sending how to connect to the class through email.
over 4 years ago, Becky Jordan
Sixth Grade Students, Grades are to be turned in weekly. Please turn in week 1 grades as soon as possible. I appreciate the hard work and dedication of those who turned in week 1 work on time! :) I want to finish by saying that I miss you all tremendously and wish I was with you in the classroom..I Hope to see you soon!!! Mrs. Dye
over 4 years ago, Cathy Dye
New Creativity Posts-Make Your Own Brushes & DIY Race Track. Check it out: D. Sawyers
over 4 years ago, Danielle Sawyers
Nature's Paintbrushes
Adventure Academy and Reading IQ Parents and Students in grades 2-5, you don't want to miss this opportunity!!! Adventure Academy is a great way to continue learning in science, math, and language arts... and great FUN!!! It usually costs a monthly fee, but is now available for FREE!! Ruby and I have been playing this week. To play, you will need to go to and enter the code: SCHOOL6225 . Then download the game to your computer or device. (Ruby's character is named LittlePuffin8923R, and mine is Holly6004Z, if you'd like to friend us.) You should also go to and enter the same code (SCHOOL6225) to get an online library for free!! Your parent will need to answer some questions, and then you will take a test, very similar to our STAR tests, to get your reading level. Then you can access THOUSANDS of books for FREE (like MyOn or Epic we used at school)!! Keep up your studies while we're off! You can find more ideas on my teacher page or the Title I web page.🙂 I love hearing from you!! You can email me anytime! Mrs. Vaughn
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Vaughn
I have many 6th grade students that have not completed their math assignments for this week. Please check your student's ALEKS account to see if they have completed all 3 assignments(Time & Topic Goal and homework) for the week. Contact me with any questions at
over 4 years ago, Resheena Fehring
Concerts to view.
over 4 years ago, Cindy StClair
Hello Rockets! I tried something a little different and made a Creativity Blog for all FPLS K-12 students. You can check it out here: Hopefully, it will be something fun to help you pass the time with your families, enjoy! D. Sawyers
over 4 years ago, Danielle Sawyers
Nature Weaving
Fayetteville High School Students! Here is a short video update from Mrs. Greco. Have a great weekend, stay well, make good choices, and, as always, GO ROCKETS!!!
over 4 years ago, Heidi Greco
To all 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th graders: Some students have emailed me for their last school year's (2018-19) Math Prodigy game username and password. If you'd like to log in and play with your friends, email me. I miss your faces! Get out and enjoy the sunshine today!!
over 4 years ago, Mrs. McFarland
Parent/Guardian/Staff, Starting on Monday, March 23rd, 2020, all staff will work remotely until further notice.The school campus will be closed for everyone except for authorized personnel. Students with technology concerns will need to email their teacher or building principal. Laptop questions or concerns should have been addressed. If you do have any type of physical malfunction with the laptop, your child will need to use an alternative electronic device. There will not be a laptop drop-off on campus at this time. Please continue to communicate electronically with your child's teacher for questions. Also, please make sure to visit the school website for information. We will continue to provide meals as done in the past week, 9-11am at the 3-locations and delivery from 11am-12:15pm. Thank you for your patience, have a good day, and as always...GO ROCKETS!
over 4 years ago, Tim Carlier - Superintendent
OHSAA is currently giving as online live press conference. Feel free to listen at
over 4 years ago, Angela Murphy, HS Track & Field Coach
Hello kindergarten kiddos, Sasie and I went on a little walk looking for signs of spring. How many can you find in our pictures?
over 4 years ago, Salli Swisher
First day of spring challenge