
Fayetteville Middle School Announcements


Good Morning Fayetteville Middle School and Welcome back.

We want to encourage all students to keep up with their school work as we approach the end of the 1st quarter this Friday.  Please check with your teachers to make sure you are not missing any work.

Students, just a reminder that your locker should be locked and not left open.

Students, on Tuesday and Thursday when the 7:35 bell rings, all students will move to the HS Gym and stay there until the 7:55 bell rings. This will give Teachers time to work in their TBT groups.

Congratulations to all of the fall sports participants.  Please remember to bring in your uniform and any equipment that you may have and return to your coach or drop off in the Middle School office. 

The fall Sports Banquet will be held on Nov. 1st for all Football, Cheerleaders, Volleyball and Cross Country participants.

Picture Retake day in Wednesday Oct 26th.

This Friday is the first Official day of Practice for JH Basketball. Any student grade 7 or 8 is welcome to join the team, but Student Athletes must have an up-to-date physical on file in the athletic department office. Students will not be permitted to practice if the school does not have a copy.