
Fayetteville Middle School Announcements


Good Morning

Last week the NJHS collected donations from Homerooms to support Breast Cancer Awareness. The school raised over $750 to donate to  the Susan G. Komen Foundation.  Great job Rockets. 

The winner of the Breakfast is >>>> Mrs. Bradford’s Class $145.50, Mrs. Bryant’s class was a close second $137.75

This week is Red Ribbon Week, and students are encouraged to participate in the activities. Monday is wear Red day. Tomorrow is Hat day

Picture retakes are Tuesday October 26th, if you want to have your picture retaken, please stop by the office and pick-up a form. This also applies to anyone who did not get their picture taken the first time.

Tuesday is Hoagie day and they will be taking orders today and Monday.  They will not be taking orders on Tuesday.  Please get your order in by Monday.

Today we will be viewing a powerpoint presentation from Child Focus on addiction.  7th and 8th grade students will view during first period, 6th grade will view during 2nd