The Rhonda Connor Scholarship Application


A scholarship fund has been created in memory of Rhonda Connor, a Fayetteville community member who lost her battle with breast cancer in the summer of 2012. Rhonda's fight against cancer was an inspiration to those who knew her, and as a result, a committee has come together to raise funds and offer scholarships for Fayetteville graduates in her memory.

Application requirements:
 1. Graduating Senior from Fayetteville High School
2. Have a minimum GPA of 2.5
 3. Be of good character
 4. Exhibit leadership qualities
5. must be accepted into college or technical school.

 Please complete the applications by typing in the form below. After the applications have been submitted, the committee will meet to review the applications. Recipients will be announced at the awards ceremony on May 11th. Winners will receive information on how the award will be dispersed. This application is due NO LATER than 3 PM on Tuesday, April 27th. Please email Mrs. Greco with questions. Click link for application: